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How Will We Pay It All Back?

While the economy appears to be recovering and the government is preparing to spend at levels unseen since post World War II, the elephant in the room must be addressed. How will we ever pay back all this debt, and if so, when?

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Was That A Good Idea?

The decision by large technology companies to ban President Trump and Parler created a firestorm of controversy this week. Could this be the tipping point for Big Tech, and if so, what are the implications for shareholders?

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Should Investors Fear The Blue Wave?

Joe Biden is going to be the next President of the United States, and it appears that the Democrats will also win both the House and Senate. How will this “blue wave” impact investors, and what can they do to prepare for this sea change?

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We Won!

Investors appear to be breathing a collective sigh of relief after news that more than one COVID-19 vaccine is days away from regulatory approval. But is the stock market getting ahead of itself?

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What Now?

America still doesn’t know who will win the White House, and an official announcement could take some time. However, Congress appears to be taking shape, and this alone could be a good outcome for investors.

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Are Taxes Going Up?

Joe Biden is campaigning on one of the most aggressive tax hikes in recent history. Even if he wins, there are still several hurdles facing tax reform. What does all of this mean for investors in 2021 and beyond?

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