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Halftime Report

The U.S. suffered a tremendous blow during the first half of 2020 due to COVID-19 and the government-mandated shutdown of the economy. The ensuing panic led to unprecedented stimulus that could take years to unwind. But what became the steepest economic downturn since the Great Depression appears to have also been the shortest. There is ample evidence to suggest that the recession began and ended all within the first half of the year. Looking forward, the uncertainty facing investors has arguably never been higher. While this may be viewed as harbinger for safety, this is also when opportunity is the most abundant for patient investors with a strong stomach.

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Could Biden Tank The Market?

Politics ignite powerful emotions, and since emotions dominate the short-term direction of asset prices, politics can impact the stock market. But how much influence do Presidents really have over the long run?

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Will Seinfeld Shed A Tear?

Wild trading stories are all over the news. Stocks of bankrupt companies are surging higher, and others with no product to sell are worth as much as established institutions. What’s going on?

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Is The Recession Over?

Green shoots are popping up all over the economic landscape. The sharpest downturn since the Great Depression may end up being the shortest. What’s next for investors?

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The Real Risk In Madoff’s Fraud

The media can have a powerful influence on its audience, and more times than not, what they choose to report on does not line up with what matters most. This disconnect can pose real risk to investors.

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Should We Go Away?

The old adage that warns investors to “sell in May and go away” is resurfacing thanks to one of the most dramatic three months in the history of the stock market. Let’s take a look at the data to see if this warning has any merit at all.

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