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2024 State of The Markets

The U.S. should be in a recession right now. At least, that’s what pundits and economists were telling us a year ago. As recent as April, the Conference Board estimated the odds of a recession starting in the next year at 99%. But we’re not in a recession. The economy is still growing, and The Federal Reserve is now saying they expect interest rates to start falling as soon as this year. If so, the strategies that worked during the last cycle are almost certainly not going to work this time around. It’s time for a new playbook that’s better suited to target the innovation tsunami that may soon crash into the global economy.

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What Is Private Equity?

Investments that do not fall into the equity or fixed income buckets are often called “alternative investments.” One that has gained much attention over the last several years is private equity, and for good reason.

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Will This Horror Story Ever End?

The bond market has been in a bear market for longer than any other time in history and seems to be getting worse by the day. Is it time to throw in the towel, or will it find its footing?

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1H 2023 Halftime Report

The first half of the year was a welcome reprieve from the carnage of 2022. The Fed is no longer in “crisis mode,” indexes have surged higher, and Wall Street is changing its tune on the possibility of a soft landing. Add it all up, and this could be the early innings of the next bull market. Although just a label, sentiment matters. Since the lows back in October, the gains from stocks and bonds are bringing optimism back into vogue. But if this is the next bull market, the playbook from the last one will likely be less effective. Every bull market is different, so it’s time to think fresh and formulate a new approach.

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Is This Another Bubble?

Artificial intelligence has taken the world by storm, and some AI-themed stocks have tripled in months. Is this the beginning of the next big thing, or is this just another bubble that will inevitably burst?

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